
I've read that the first iPhone went on sale on June 29 2007, 10 years ago. Since when smart phones have insinuated themselves into every corner of our lives.

The meeting I was heading towards was organised over the weekend through e-mail on my and others phones.

It went into my diary, also on my phone.

I took this photo on the way there, on my phone.

And this is the Mobike scheme, launched in Manchester and Salford last Thursday. It all works through Apps on mobile phones. You pay through the App, find and reserve the bike through the App, unlock through a QR reader on the phone ...... you get the picture. There are now 1000 identical bikes across the City Centre, the first Mobike scheme outside Asia (it's a Chinese company).

Anyway - I had better upload this blip - using my phone.

I blame Steve Jobs.

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