That up there...

... is the moon.

It was speech day today where children are rewarded for their efforts and progress. The event takes place in the village hall, a short walk from school across a park. At the end, the children are dismissed from the hall ~ the parents go to the teacher to sign them out. As my teacher wasn't in today it was me signing them out. Only 2 children didn't get signed out and were nowhere to be seen. Back at school the parents were contacted... one had his son the other was expecting his son to go to after school club. Back over the park, searching and trying to contact his mother but to no avail. The police were informed and on their way when we got the call to say he was with his mother who had been at the hall and taken him ~ she claimed she had told the head but the head said she hadn't. Anyway, all ended well after a fraught 45 minutes.

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