Glowing Brightly

After a cold wet start to the day the afternoon was lovely with some wonderful blue sky's and some sun at last!

I needed to get a few more bigger boxes for packing. The first place I went to told me to come back around 8:30 am tomorrow. With all the traffic on that road at that time of morning I decided to look elsewhere. The next place said go around to the back of the building and help myself. They had just want I wanted but with all the rain they were all wet. So of to another one.. told the same thing. This time there were only very small ones there. By this time I was on the other-side of the city rather than go home I gave another supermarket ago... this time with success and they even took them to my car for me!

When I was out I noticed all the snow low down on the Port Hills.. no wonder it feels so cold.

The leaves are falling fast on the Hydrangea now .. this leaf did look so good in the sunshine with its lovely rich colours which seem to be glowing.

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