Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Rays of sun over the Black Isle

A wee bit of sun peeked through the clouds at lunchtime. :o) Unfortunately the day a bit down hill from there!

Mum and I were supposed to be meeting Maggie at the pictures this evening but when we got into the car, after a wee bit of shopping, the suspension snapped! It was SO loud, sounded like an explosion going off under the car - scary stuff. We managed to get it to the nearest garage just before they closed (apparently the thingy that holds the thingy in place was corroded and just snapped in half) and after a quick look they said theres no way we can drive anywhere in it - very dangerous because at any moment the spring thingy could shoot out and puncture a tyre.

Dad was not impressed because in the year mum has had the car loads of stuff has gone wrong and they have had to pay out an awful lot that they really don't have (no warranty of course - let that be a lesson!). Also because he had to come to Inverness to pick us up thus missing his Bridge night. Not a happy chappy!
It was all a bit much for mum, the place she works went into administration this week too. Its a wee bit tense here!

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