Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Is it even colder today?!

Heating cranked right up, lots of extra layers, furry socks, blanket and hotwater bottle but for some reason I just can't get warm today!
Don't get me wrong I like the snow, its pretty and white and makes for nice photos, just not too keen on the big freeze at the moment. Is it me or is it even colder today?

C and I went to the flicks this evening to see Sherlock Holmes but it was sold out :( It was unbelievably busy there! I don't know if its the weather or its just always really mobbed on a friday night (it didn't occur to either of us that it actually was friday until we got there!) but I've never seen so many folks queuing up to get in. Although it must be said I usually go during the day when its totally dead so I suppose I wouldn't!

Anyway we thought as we were there (and I have a Cineworld card I've barely used recently) we should see something else! The Daybreakers looked quite good so we opted for that and I suppose it would be good if you particularly enjoy a huge slice of gruesome Vampyric cheese with more cheese on top, then quite a lot of blood and then more cheese...
Lets just say it was no Buffy thats for sure.

However - their heating is infinitely better than mine and coupled with a full house it was lovely and warm in there!

I'm off for a lovely healthy dose of True Blood now. Oh yeah, thats the good Vampire stuff! :O)

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