Gurning giraffe

We went to Marwell Zoo today, having not been for several years, and took a lot of photos. It was good to be back and there have been a number of changes since the last time, including the addition of the baby pigmy hippo who was very small and very cute (but difficult to photograph due to the poor light indoors).

When we arrived I remarked on the huge number of coaches and it later became apparent that lots of primary schools were doing end-of-term outings today. Fortunately, apart from a scarily loud bunch at the tiger enclosure, we barely saw any of them for the four hours we were there.

In other news, I went out for dinner with Sarah this evening as she was in town for work (school prom) and it was, as always, lovely to catch up. Having got back I've just heard about Peter Sagan's disqualification from the Tour de France. I can't believe he's guilty as charged but I haven't seen the footage yet. Poor Cav, though.

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