Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

When vegans aren't vegan

Tonight was the night of the flying ant. Loads of the buggers around. There is always one night of the year when they hatch and make merry. Caught this one in a pretty red flower in the border.

Apparently we eat loads of insects every year, mostly in our foodstuffs. So vegans like me aren't really vegan; just small scale accidental carnivores according to Scientific American:

"Staples like broccoli, canned tomatoes, and hops readily contain "insect fragments"--heads, thoraxes, and legs--and even whole insects. (I won't tell you about the rat hair)..."

So now you know.

Got some different antibiotics for my bad ear today. Worked from home. Very hot. Beautiful evening. But I had a very busy day and don't feel like I've had much me time ...

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