Lower Compton (Tuesday 4th July 2017)

I took a trailer load of green waste for recycling in Lower Compton and after that I went on to Hill's Pools, parking next to where a cycle trail comes out onto the road, and took a folding chair up to one of the pools to do a spot of reading and keep an eye on what was happening on the pool.
A coot family were diving into the pool making the occasional splashing sound and to my left a hen mallard and her ducklings were peacefully gliding around near the reeds. After awhile, I realised that some of the splashing sounds were being made by the mallard chicks, who were regularly diving into the pool.
Mallards are described in all the books as dabbling birds and I had never seen any dive before, but it turns out from looking at forums that they occasionally do. Ducklings in particular it seems will submerge to escape predators, with just their bills above water in the reeds until the danger has passed. They could have learned the trick from seeing the coots do it, although apparently they have been recorded doing this where no diving birds existed. Later on I saw the mother coot furiously chase across the pool and bully the mallard family into the reeds.
I didn't see any kites, geese or swans, but there were plenty of butterflies, dragonflies and swallows, and some cinnabar moth caterpillars munching on the yellow ragwort.

6.7.2017 (1055 hr)

Blip #2156 (#2406 including 250 archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #040
Blips/Extras In 2017 #215
Day #2658 (518 gaps from 26 March 2010)
LOTD #1391 (#1517 including 126 on archived blip

Lower Compton series
Macro series
Wildlife series
Flora series
Outbuilding series
Outdoor Places I Have Sat In series

Taken with Pentax KS-1 (Blue) and D FA Macro 100mm F2.8 WR lens

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
REWS - Miss You In The Dark (2017)
One of the hit discoveries at Glastonbury this year.
"REWS is the London/Belfast based high energy pop rock duo consisting of songstress Shauna Tohill and beat-maker Collette Williams.
"Shauna was inspired to form REWS following a series of tours with previous bands and an inspirational artist retreat in late 2014. She met the fantastic Collette Williams in March 2015 and they have been a match made in heaven ever since.
"REWS aim is to inspire people to be who they are, dance, sing, have fun yet address those deep issues that people face in every day life. It might just be your medicine!" - Facebook bio

One year ago:
Calne (Mono Poppies)

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