...After (Wednesday 4th July 2018)

This is the sequel to my Before... blip of 28th April when I decided to clear a space for a new shed. I spent a while looking at suitable sheds and got a 4x6 concrete base put in on 9th May. Finally the shed has arrived and been installed. As it is Wide Wednesday I have used a wide-angle view to put the shed into a garden context. The optional theme of Movement doesn't really apply unless one allows the transport of the shed from the Malverns to the Old Forge on this day. Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting.

5.7.2018 (1035 hr)

Blip #2695 (#2445 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.60-18.3.10)
Consecutive Blip #003
Blips/Extras In 2018 #138/265 + #54/100 Extras)
Day #3025 (585 gaps from 26.3.10)
LOTD #1839 (#1680 + 159 in archived blips)

Old Forge series
Before And After series
Diary Blip series

Taken with Pentax K-50 (Yellow) and Pentax smc P-DA 12-24mm F4.0 ED/AL (IF) lens

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Nick Drake - Man In A Shed (1969)

One Year Ago:
Lower Compton (Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar)

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