
By Ilaria

Fairy lights in the old, mossy, horse trough.....

....found lurking in the woods down by!!! :-)))

A truly funny old day today....where I had no intention of blipping!! I was supposed to come home and get organised for work tomorrow...but did a strange and interesting detour instead...

Blipping is a curious thing....sometimes my journal is more personal than is that day. So if you're not so into that...bye bye for now!! ;-))

After leaving my parents I went for a local drive....and stopped at the end of a country lane that once meant a very great deal to me. I have occassional mentioned that I had a very unhappy childhood. Many things happened that were pretty horrendous, and it was not an easy time. It's taken a long time to address and heal that. This brings me to my blip today....and the lane this was taken in. It's funny (strange) because I have deliberately avoided this place for years. Today I stopped and debated...yes/no/yes!! I was afraid to venture along it in case a ton of painful memories emerged to haunt me. And yet I was mesmerised and longing to walk it again!!! The trees and dappled light beckoned. You see , I frequently used to come here to get feel safe. A place I could be me...and feel free. I SO loved this of my favourate places in the world then.....

I am SO glad I decided to go that walk. Far from it being a painful trip down memory left me smiling, mesmerised and feeling as free and safe as it ever did. I thought a lot about my life and how much I have grown and changed over the years. I remembered so many walks there that were beautiful and peaceful. I don't think we can ever under estimate the power of nature and it's beauty to touch, sooth and heal us. And we all need that at some point in our lives.....

Since starting to blip...and since that was also my time of actually starting to use a camera (other than my latest mobile phone!!)...I've thought a lot about this!!! I reckon for me the challenge of photography is to try and capture that beauty...that light...and even emotion. There's a quote in the Harrison Ford film "Sabrina"...where Sabrina (who loves photography) says that she reckons she's been taking pictures all her life, before she ever had a camera. THIS I can relate to!!! Because I don't think we can under estimate the power of a beautiful image to affect people. To have as much affect as my lane did for me!! I reckon that's why I feel SO passionate about it has power to touch, move and even heal others.

Anyway....these were my reflections today. I know this is not my usual kind of blip entry!!!!! But hey...I don't spend my whole life laughing out loud!!! Lol!!!!! Although on that note...without laughter...I'd be an utter crackpot by now!!!!!! ESSENTIAL for life...I tell you!!!!!!

So....I leave you with this rather abstract/obscure/alternative shot.....the fairies and their lights I found in the woods today!!! ;-))))

OH.....and a quote....

" The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange

And if you're dead keen for a more typical shot...look at the 3 I added

Night all...away to try and catch up with your journals now that I'm back in Broadband world!!! :-))))) Hope you've survived the deep and meaningful blip!!!!


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