Freedom - for some

After a quick Carrefour shop to stock up on a few supplies we left Epernay for Calais via Reims and Lille around 10am.

There's no stopping Mr C once he's on the road so 5 hours later we reached a nature reserve near Oye-Plage where we stopped for lunch at 3pm. We had a 3 mile walk around the reserve - we only saw, bizarrely, a few Highland cattle grazing in a boggy meadow. The rest of the walk had high bramble hedges all round till be reached the dunes and La Manche. It was lovely to see the sea again.

Now we are waiting for our ferry in Calais - every time we go to this port the fences and razor wire to deter the refugees seem to reach further. There are now 2 high fences on each side of all the roads with security lighting beamed outwards. An official came into the van looking in storage areas and searched underneath.

We have booked a space on a farm near Dover to park up tonight and then tomorrow it will be the long haul up through England.

I was struck by the contrast of the only 2 photos I took today - the freedom and beauty of the beach and sea, and the horrors of the razor wire fences and spot lights knowing that even children are herded in awful conditions in the nearby camp.

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