A lovely day ......

Down the Docs this am. One of my drugs hasn't been agreeing with me 100% so we have agreed a change. BP was spot on today which was good & she was pleased with the weight loss, which incidentally went down by another pound today. I've promised to attempt to get the 4.5 lbs off this coming week in order to get to my 2 stone milestone ....is it likely ?? - not sure..!!

When we got home from SW we had a call from N with some disappointing news :-(

Stir fry for dinner with no beer !

I'm 59 tomorrow & after tomorrow I will be in my 60th year; now there's a thought...

Another red hot day.

On this day in 1189 Richard the Lionheart acceded to the English throne. I was always told by Mum that her & Dad named me after him Grrrrrrrrr !

Hear it here (the song I mean)


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