Proud Weegie

By Shiv


I'm trying out a new route to work in the morning.

This means I get to walk past these little beauties. I've always had a soft spot for the Colonies in Edinburgh (and they are dotted all over the city) - as I am not too keen on tenement flats (although I love the high ceilings!). I love to see a garden - especially in the city centre.

Years ago when SL had around 20 different offices sited about the city - it was a pleasure to walk to meetings in other buildings. You could stroll leisurely through the New Town, hoping people would leave their curtains open of the basement flats and you could peer into their lives (slightly voyeuristic but good fun!!).

Now we are packed into about 4 sites - like battery hens, and rarely see daylight! We emerge at the end of the day into sunlight with our pasty faces and Chinese eyes scrunched up at the sun! (when it's there!).

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