Thursday: The Old And The New

I had a coffee this morning with a First Nations woman I know. She used to be Chief of her nation but gave that up to pursue other opportunities. I always find my interactions with First Nations hugely interesting - you can't rush the conversation. You take time, explore the issues and then get to where you want to be and what you want to talk about. Very different from our rushed Western mentality.

This evening K. and I met up with a contact of mine for drinks. We'd met a little while ago, got on well, and said that we'd meet up more socially. So he brought his wife too and we ended up having a great night. He's originally from K's part of the world and it turned out they knew some of the same people. Definitely six (or less) degrees of separation.

I also got all my drinks for free as the server knocked my first drink all over me. I didn't really mind but had no problem reaping the benefits.

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