Journal of a Jessica

By Wallflower


Me, again.

I'm so excited about a book that I've just read, which happens a lot, so I'll share it with you. I won't tell you what it's about because I don't like to ruin anything for people, but it's one of those books that can completely change the way a young person looks at life. I'm not trying to sound pathetic here, but it's taught me so much about myself. In terms of friendships/relationships/anything socially related, I've learnt to never expect anything from anyone that you don't know or have just met; the people that are meant to be with you will find their own way into your life without anyone realising so. I now firmly believe in Karma, and if you go out of your way to put a smile on someone's face and really mean it, then eventually the same will happen to you. Your life can change within the blink of an eye. People leave, and you have to accept that. People change, and you have to accept that, too. I guess at times you have to go with the flow, but other times it's important to think about what you're going through. What does running away solve? Tell your friends that you love them, fall for people you shouldn't, work hard at school, read books, listen to great music, write. Because you have to make the most of everything, I suppose. It all makes sense to me now. And that's why I'm recommending that everyone goes out and buys a copy of the 'Perks of Being A Wallflower'.

I'm feeling so chilled out today. I've just finished watching The Hunger Games, and now I'm going to run a hot bath even though it's late and I have homework to do. I'll make a start on my next book, too.

"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

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