Gitama's World

By Gitama

Cat and Mouse...or...No Results

The pussy cat had me in stitches when he jumped onto my keyboard...he was totally fascinated by the different sounds and matter I lost the work I was doing.
When everything turned up its toes and 'No Results' came up on the screen he turned around to see if I could help him get some more excitement.....SNAP!
Kids animals aye! there is always a price and ....really often enough harder to get a good snap than what one may think.

It's more or less been taking care of stuff and training the puppy...he is starting to come to his name and sitting........... the toilet training is going well also....he is a smart little guy. I cannot take him out in public just yet and I am loathe to leave him alone its been days at home. I am not too worried about has turned chilly and not so nice.

I guess the 'no results' is indicative of him still not having an official name. We are trying out Pushkin which Trisharooni mentioned the other day....I like it but Jaiya is holding out...just because I like it...I think.

Day 5 of inexplicable emotions.........

5. Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.

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