Gitama's World

By Gitama

Who Would of Thought......

....That I would end up an old lady with a little dog in a tartan coat.
Oh well......his cuteness makes up for any silly old lady labels I reckon........hahahahahahaha.

We did our usual Wednesday trip to the farmers market early this morning.
Not only does it have the most wonderful produce and fabulous organic butter ....cheeses...honey...home made jams and relishes.....sourdough fruit loaves and all sorts of marvelous has a fabulous atmosphere.

I don't know if it was the music that was being played by the guy in under the marquee but as I sat there for some time I was transported back to the 80's. The many alternate folk that come down from and around the mountain still have that timeless feel with their hair.... clothes and baskets. There were young mothers doing yoga in the winter sun with their wee kiddywinks crawling all over them. It felt nice and in some way I think I fit right in with my green woolen jacket from Ireland and my brown hat.

Beetle is coming on very well with the toilet training...he so wants to please ....and get his treats. I am training him to also become a blip dog...let me take pics of him........of course he has to earn his keep.

Number 6 on the inexplicable emotions.

6. Rubatosis: The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.

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