Night Hawk Security

Saw this guy on our way back home from lunch today.
He wears a uniform of 'Night Hawk Security', might be on the 'Reaction Unit'? LOL

Note the red container hanging next to the wheel, most probably for extra fuel, perhaps his bike is a bit heavy on the fuel? Found the bright yellow helmet quite funny as well, and don't forget the ever present cell phone, in use, on the bike, can you believe it?

Please note in the background, the bicycle being pushed, loaded with bags of maize, it is just amazing how they can load those little bicycles to transport their commodities!

The different modes of transport in this picture surprised me when I downloaded the photo! There is Rudi, our one GM, in his Toyota Hilux, our 'security' man on his motorbike, our 'transporter' next to his bicycle, a taxi driver in his white Toyota Corolla and a dark blue BMW to top the charts! The window frame is C's Toyota Raider Double Cab.

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