High Jinks

Oops, not the kind of murder you want in your house on a Monday morning. Fortunately it was just high spirits as Barrioboy and Digitaldaze took time out of their hectic week in Scotland to battle through the cheerless drizzle to come for coffee this morning.
They assured me it has been two years since they last ventured over the Dower House threshold and I could hardly believe it. How time flies when you are having fun!

I believe it could be an Edinburgh holiday today, although it's hard to tell in this city because the shops seem to be open every day. If it is, it's a 'gae dreich day', wet and miserable, unexpected bills popping through the letter box to add to the gloom.

As soon as His Lordship comes back from the gym, I am off to collect the replacement trousers for the ones that were delivered yesterday with the stain
It's all go in the Dower House today.

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