
By Shonie

'Ugly Betty'

Today was the 6-weekly brace tightening and I have to say I think my Ugly Betty's are looking blooming awesome! And SO straight... We are now waiting on two spaces to close from when she took 2 teeth out for extra room. When they are all closed its operation time. I'm absolutely terrified - 6 hour jaw realignment surgery. I have this terrible fear that I will wake up with no pain relief and I know that's nonsense. I had pain relief for getting 4 wisdom teeth out. My worry is that my pain tolerance is not the best, I thought id never cope with the pain after my wisdom teeth were taken out in one go.
But the fear goes hand in hand in a way with excitement - I think they look amazing at the minute and compared to what they looked like - wow! Dr Tothill is a miracle worker.
So to think how happy I am with them right now... And they aren't even 100% perfect yet! It's also exciting which is what I'm trying to embrace.
Who would have thought smiling so properly and genuinely could actually make such a huge difference to a picture and to how I feel in general

We are getting there folks, and it feels great!


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