So many buds and .....

....... so many aphids on the leaves -- tut tut!
Today has been quite busy
# gave all my house plants a long drink
In fact all day
# putting green rubbish in car
# put washing into machine & wash
# taking said rubbish to dump
# bank ( had to make transaction ie
rob Peter to pay Paul )
# put first load of washing on line
# put second load in machine
# get lunch snack
# next load of washing on line
# see part of Konta tennis match
# kept GP appointment
# got all washing in ( all dry)
# put house plants back in place
Phew ---- have I really done all that ----
time to breath and watch end of Murreys match!

Thankful ...... I could get some jobs out of the way and that both the British players are through to the next round.
Well done both of you

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