Golden Days

Although the sun had risen enough for the trees far from the Dower House to cast their long teeth like shadows on the grass of the Meadows, it took much longer for the sun to burst out above the University buildings and catch the ground in front of our windows.

As I type it augurs well for another golden September day with everybody out and about enjoying this unexpected bonus of beautiful weather.

My day was enhanced early on with a chat to a very mature student neighbour, 80+ years, who has embarked on a PhD in some psychological subject and who confessed to being 'catatonic with terror' after an hour's lecture on research techniques.
It was this very lady who suggested copious amounts of brandy and milk as a night cap. It must help with neural pathways as well as insomnia.

With two gingerbreads in the oven, I'm putting in time before a lunch date with daughter #1, by listening to Classic FM.

The only thing that annoys me about this station is the interjected adverts between lovely music, and more especially the advert about zygomatic implants by some obviously overpaid dental outfit in London.

They have been advertising for years with various actors telling us how wonderful the experience is while I wonder how much profit they must be making to finance their name being broadcast so many times each day.

I have at last been forced to look up 'zygomatic' in the dictionary.

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