Forgotten and Neglected

This was the first working day with Princes Street and the Mound being shut to traffic for the next 10 months.

Wouldn't you just love to get the now redundant members of TIE, the erstwhile Edinburgh Tram committee tried for gross inefficiency and shot, or at the very least have to become bus drivers for the next 10 months while Princes Street is a no go area for them.
Maybe just to be a pedestrian trying to find a bus stop anywhere near the centre of Princes Street for buses which used to go up the Mound, would be the equivalent of someone meriting a lesser sentence. I speak from travelling experience today.

The machinations of bus travel through the centre of Edinburgh is truly wondrous to behold with one way roads open to 2-way traffic and a peloton of buses stretched out as far as the eye can see along George Street.
Valium should be standard issue to motorists and bus drivers alike.

Today was also the first day for all students returning to University.
They were thick on the ground, and swarming in the local bookshops and stationers. It was hard to walk around the Dower House without having to negotiate bunches of the beautiful vivacious youthful ones kitted out in the sort of gear that brings a smile to the lips.
If only I were that age again, I would love to wear bum hugging, eye wateringly short shorts, only made decent by the wearing of thick tights.

But I am not that age but at the point in life where I am completely invisible to any one under 30- I might as well not exist. I get not even a sideways look from young student neighbours and seldom does anyone make way for me on the pavement.
I think I might invest in a cattle prod.

However I did meet an inspirational neighbour today who in her late seventies is studying for her second MSc in a psychology subject that I would reveal to you if only I could remember what it was. And what fun she is too and how inspiring.

Do you think there might be instigated an MSc in Blipping? I'd sign up.

This is our wedding anniversary today, a fact we both forgot until the arrival of a card from a friend. How unromantic is that? However we have belatedly reserved a table at the Hotel du Vin for a celebratory dinner tonight. We will have to record Corrie!

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