Tiny Tuesday.: : Mystery Macro

With no macro lens, it is difficult, to take a true macro shot, but it's a challenge to see how close I can get. I took Ozzie's nose, some feathers, sea salt, a jar of beans, various items in the drawer that holds keys, lens cloths and spare glasses and a number of shots the garden.

This morning began with yet another run to the mortgage broker with yet another piece of paper requiring our signature before the lock on our interest rate expires on Thursday. The irony of this is that it is the lender that is requiring these last minute signatures and the selfsame lender that sets the expiration date.Seems pretty fishy to me....

The big news today has to be the latest revelations from Washington. It has taken Congress so long to investigate the involvement of the current administration in the Russian meddling in our elections that president's own son seems to have elected to release incriminating emails on his own. As has become almost a matter of course, everyone is scrambling to figure out why he would do such a thing. The word 'treason' is being bandied about.

It strikes me that, like the Watergate scandal of the Nixon Administration, this one is turning out to be more about the cover-up than the actual crime....although the crime itself strikes me as pretty heinous. The president's comment is to  call his son "a quality person". Is that code for "sleazy"?

You couldn't make any of this up....

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