
By NinaH

Aino & cerials and some other thoughts about t

Aino is off to sleep. And I think I also will go pretty soon..

Today was really busy day. At work and at home (did some baking for Aino´s birthday and some shopping with her)...

Today we got new record at my work. Total 131 customers visiting at "Huusholli" = 71 kid and 50 adult. Earlier record was total 96 customers. And if we count 60 kids plus adults at Lukonmäki´s daycare center- where my other colleges were holding concert it is over 200!!

Funniest thing was that me and my co-worker Matti, whom stayed at work for the afternoon and prepared to sing and play for top 15 people with ukulele, guitar and Finnish zither/kantele... We had over 40 kid&adults at our concert :) :) We had to improvise a little....

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