Birgit and Bert
The biggest asset of belonging to Blipfoto is the making of friends you would not otherwise meet, and in these last few weeks, I have met up with 6 blippers who do not live anywhere near me but whom I count as friends, having read their journals over so many years.
In Orkney they were Poppy, IainatCreel and Northern, on Monday in Edinburgh they were Barrioboy and Digitaldaze from Barcelona and this morning His Lordship and I met up with Birgit from the Netherlands and her husband Bert. We first met them 6 years ago in Shetland and Orkney when we were all cycling, and I, like a good blipper, persuaded Birgit to join the fold. The rest is history, although today was the first time we have met again in the flesh and it was good to catch up on their cycling adventures on Route 7, the Sustrans National Route , which has taken them from Hull to Glasgow. They are now doubling back by Edinburgh to Newcastle and we enjoyed a coffee with them at the RSA galleries.
As I waited to meet them at the Scott Monument, I couldn't resist a sunny blip of the gardens and the hydrangeas.
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