
By kas18

In The Distance

You can just see a bit of my house. I took this on my way back from town today. I'm not really into shopping for anything. Not even clothes. I had to go into town to put a cheque in and buy some cards.
I had X-rays done on my hands this morning. Parking isn't great at Broomfield Hospital so I asked a nice man if he was leaving and waited for his space. I left enough room for anyone to get past but I had a woman scream at me like a banshee because I was waiting for the space and she needed to get to her appointment. It must have taken the man all of 3 mins to get out of the space and for me to pull in. Some people need anger management!
Not much exercise done today. I'm slacking. Think I'll pop over to the gym or do some floor exercises I've been given to do.

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