
By Juleshki

Rain Clouds?

Took my biggest, widest brolly out with me today in anticipation of getting drenched in a downpour at some time today.

Not so!

How unusual was this for a Wednesday?
Doesn't it always rain on a Wednesday?
And quite often on a Monday too, now I come to think of it.

Got into a discussion about winter weather with someone today. And we both agreed that we like the long, dark winter months.

How could this be?
I didn't use to think this way.
When exactly did this happen?

I know I do like coming home to a warm house and the smell of something cooking in the oven, especially when it has been in there cooking slowly for a long time.

I love the smell of woodsmoke.
I think I confessed to this one just the other day here on Blip.

And I love the warm glow of candle-light.
And in the middle of all this is... Christmas!

Seasons just don't get any better... to paraphrase one noisy chef....!

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