
By Juleshki

Playing out with Jakey

My son went out in the garden, even though it is a little on the cool side and quite damp both underfoot and in the air, with two of his friends to go and play on the trampoline and Jakey went with them.

Not to play on the trampoline of course! No, he was just going for a prowl!

Shortly after I joined them Jakey and myself decided to have a stroll through the woods.

There are so many things to look at if you are a cat.

We found a few more conkers but not nearly as many as there should have been. I have still to search the far side of the woods to see how the horse-chestnuts are doing over on that side, but something has definitely been making a fab meal of the acorns as there are lots of little bits of them lying around.

And here is Jakey in one of his favourite places... up a tree, to see what he can see!

We're both back inside now. I'm shortly to prepare tonight's meal. Jakey is having an early evening snooze and the kids are still outside on the trampoline, obviously not hungry enough yet to make an appearance. Soon!

Friday tomorrow and then, of course, it's Saturday!

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