Here's Looking at You!

My lovely cousin dropped by this morning, I've not seen her for ages, so it was great to have a catch up. 

I went with some of the coven to Monton this afternoon as the Friends of the Bridgewater Canal had an event there. There were crafts stalls and 'have a go' stalls and a discovery trail. We had a wander, bumped into a few people we knew and then went back to Ellen's for tea and scones. 

I nipped to Jude's late afternoon and we lamented on the lack of men in our lives, but we also had a laugh. 

A friend of mine sent me details of a cheeky little photo competition and I decided to try a few shots before the light disappeared. The closing date is Tuesday so I have no time to plan much. I had an idea but I needed a wheelbarrow so I knocked on a few neighbour's doors, but no-one had one so I reverted to plan B. I have a possible photo so far, but I might have another go at something different tomorrow....and maybe source a wheelbarrow!

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