In Hiding.....
I know i have blipped this wonderful leaf hopper Ledra aurita, before, but I simply couldn't resist blipping it again.
As British leafhoppers go, Ledra aurita is at 13-18mm quite large, however due to it's amazing camouflage it is VERY difficult to actually find! To be honest I was very lucky as this one came to my moth trap, as have all the others I have seen. They can be found from May-September, and are locally common across the south especially on lichen-covered trees, especially oak. It would seem it is quite plentiful in my garden too!
I have added an extra of a common blue butterfly nectaring on Lavender at the local cemetery in my extras Blue on blue - such a good combination!
Also, I might get a bit behind giving hearts this week as my membership has been reduced to very basic due to a lack of funds :-( I will of course rectify this as soon as pay day arrives!
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