
By BearRabbitFrog

Dude under Dead Stunted Tree

This is my second attempt to keep a bonsai alive. No matter how many times I read the directions, no matter how closely I follow them, I end up with a dude under a dead, stunted tree.

Magnify this loss by the fact that this one was a gift from my son on Mother's Day.

I keep most things alive. Thriving really. Except goldfish. Okay, and aloe vera. But aside from those, the things I nurture usually flourish. Okay, except for my efforts to play guitar and my career in acting. But, really, those could be revived. Right?Unlike the bonsai.

I'll keep it on the dresser a bit longer, though. Never know when some capricious zephyr will bring a miracle, rattling the miniature branches and breathing green anew...

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