Lucky Young Blackie

Mr Blackie comes in and out of our house as it suits him. Generally he is looking for crumbs in Jazzy's bowl in the laundry room but when I came indoors the other day he was perched on one of the dining chairs as large as life. Mrs Blackie and Young Blackie are not as bold.

I did enjoy Young Blackie's company at lunchtime today. I sat outside the back door while it foraged and had a bath a few feet away.

I sat out again this evening and heard a thud followed by a chooky squawk. I guessed what had happened. A bird had misjudged the entrance to the glasshouse and come to grief. I ran to the southern entrance of Number Two and found Young Blackie panting on the ground. As I bent to examine the bird for injuries it flew into the ash tree. What a relief. :) Do hope YB doesn't have any after effects.

I've posted a blue-tailed damsel in extras that I shot for Day2 of #DragonflyWeek.

Today's poem is The Secret by John Clare.

My sister told me of John Clare poems in Poem For The Day Two when she gave me the book. I'm weird. I didn't want to look ahead, just take each poem as it comes every day. I love JC's verse and though this is a nice poem, I'm very disappointed. Boy meets girl verse is two-a-penny. Wish it could have been one of the poems of his about the countryside that I love. I've had a peek. There is one more John Clare poem in the book. Fingers crossed that it's one of my favourites.     

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