Anything else is OK...?!

Only two exclusions then? Elephants, Rhinos, Gorillas, Chimps, Dogs, Cats, Mastodons, etc etc are presumably welcome...?!

I've passed this sign, which always amuses me, several times when out biking on a small bit of the Reivers Cycle Route, between Wideopen and Dinnington, Northumberland. (Before you get any big ideas, I'm afraid my ageing knees wouldn't let me cycle the whole 187 miles of the route from one coast to the other, they complain enough when I do a 7-mile stretch (there and back, so 14 in total.) I've actually photographed the sign on 2 or 3 previous occasions as a possible blip but then found something I liked better. Today I decided it was time to give it its 15 seconds of blip-fame.

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