New friends

We had an email to 24-7 a couple of days ago from this guy, asking if someone could meet up with him & pray. He is the chief engineer on a super yacht & was coming to Ibiza for a few days before they sail off to Corsica... Danny, Asha, Nate & I met up with him this morning and it was SO brilliant! A lovely lovely felt like a real privilege & an honour to spend time with him. I feel like we've made a new friend...
Then straight on to San An where Danny & a few others watched F1 whilst the kids, a few others & me went to a pool. The kids splashed the afternoon away & the adults nattered - fun! Then church tonight, Nate fortunately slept through, but has since taken ages to settle as he was then wide awake at bedtime. Not ideal!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Feeling better come mid morning...I've backblipped for yesterday as I felt too yuck to do it last night.
2) Juan - what a lovely & encouraging guy! It felt like a morning really well spent.
3) My kids.

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