Spaik the word

The artist, Spaik, is back in town for the Bloop Festival! A week of street art all over Ibiza Town! Last year he sprayed this fantastic creation, this year he's spraying the other end of the same tunnel. Asha, Nate & I popped up to have a look at him in action - fascinating! 
I spent most of the day editing the bar photos, they're now pretty much ready to hand over. 
Asha and her Summer School are 'in' Morocco this week & today rode camels as part of their adventures! She came home declaring that she now wants to be a 'travel photographist', ha! 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Marco SH moving back to the island tonight! Hooray!
2) A thoroughly lovely morning in a café, editing pics whilst Nate snoozed beside me.
3) Living on an island that appreciates artists and art - I love that every year we have more and more beautiful pieces appearing all over town. 

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