Love in the grass

There was a wedding happening in Drummond Park yesterday afternoon, with a black and red colour theme by the looks of the outfits.  There was no sign of the bride yet but I wondered what her dress would be like - black?  red?  black and red?   We drove by on our way to a BBQ.  When I walked by the park this morning, there was no sign that an event had happened there, except for this plate in the dry grass.  Great when people do such a fine job of cleaning up after themselves.
Such terrible wild fires still burning in the Cariboo, almost 30,000 people evacuated and no relief in sight.  There's an investigation into the latest one near Kelowna and rumours that it may have been started by a campfire.  Hard to believe that anyone would even think of having a campfire in such dry conditions!  And of course there's a campfire ban.  Idiots.  We're very familiar with that part of the province and it's hard to imagine how the fires will change the landscape and the lives of the people.  Many have lost everything.  Tragic.
I added two extras: the dry grass in a field here shows how desperately we need rain;  there's already been a lot of rocks dumped in the road repair and we're wondering how many truckloads of rocks it will take to fill that space.  

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