Kegs Kwikpics.

By Kegrow

Beach Fantasy

Headed down to the Powlett River again today after taking note of a couple of spots for potential blips yesterday. Didn't walk too far though, to bloomin' sore from yesterday's epic, up and down large sand dunes, hunting blips.
The sandy path in the image leads down to the beach and back. Quite a longish walk, at times through some beautiful Tea Tree forest.
What caught my eye initially was the way the Tea Tree trunks in the upper left created a curving pattern upwards. I was fortunate in that there were other elements available that enabled me to create a reasonable composition.
This image was processed initially in Lr 4.1. Then desktop Snapseed. Then exported to the iPhone and further modifications made in the Dynamic Light app. Then exported back to iMac for final touches in Snapseed. Whew.
It was fun though, and an interesting process.

My apologies re comments - I ran out of time yesterday but will get onto everything immediately.

Bigger version here.

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