
By momcat1

A Warbler Day!!!

Imagine my surprise in July  finding warblers in my own yard. Not just one type either. I took the cat out for her morning supervised stroll and was listening to the birds- the usual 8AM assortment of cardinals, doves , wrens and goldfinches you expect to hear at this time of year. Then came some loud excited twittering and I thought we had some wrens fledging again. I threw the cat in the door and grabbed the camera hoping to catch the event on film. I couldn't figure out which of the 2 birdhouses  the noise was going from ....because it was coming from the clump of trees in the middle .The bushes started moving and out came warblers! Two or three , but I can't say with all the movement exactly how many. Their heads were still pretty downey.I am really not sure which warbler they belong to either.And not only were they having a great time bugging in the pines and serviceberry, but in the other corner was a male chestnut sided warbler, yellow warblers and a baby prairie warbler being fed by Dad. Shortly after I spotted a blue winged warbler too. So something fledged today , but it was not a wren. And all I can think of was - have you guys been hiding out here all along?

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