Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


Not enough sun today for reflections or shadows.

This is a little old-fashioned 'hair' clip I think?

I was given it some years ago by a lovely friend who has an eye for things 'unusual' :) Over the years some of the 'shellface' has broken away and sadly I've lost the loose bits now. I still hang onto it, not sure quite what to do with it, but it's got sentimental value for me I think, even if its not worth much :) Pale blue background better than white I think. Just boosted

Last night I fell asleep on the sofa watching tv, woke up to severe stomach cramps and then was violently ill :( I wondered at first if it was a bad dose of IBS or the antibiotics I'm still taking, but the nausea etc say not to me... So today is a sickie unfortunately and frustratingly (no pay for sickness)!

So I'm back mainly resting either on the sofa in front of TV, or in bed (again!!!)

I have started to look at my service planning for next week and I've still got two applications to finish, so I'll really try to do them while I'm resting. Plus my Foosteps 2 coursework. Brain busy, but body not up to a lot just now.

Two steps forward and six back at the moment....

Still got a very dry mouth, so I'm trying to drink clear fluids and have managed a small slice of toast (after setting smoke alarm off with the first one (which is still beeping and I don't know why!!!))

Meanwhile Billy didn't come in the first time I called him last night, and I was getting frustrated (and ill), so nearly left him out, but the next time he came thankfully

Have a great day blippers :)

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