Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Over in a Flash...

.. So to speak.

As with so many clicks of the shutter with macro, one doesn't always know 'what one's got' until uploading onto a bigger screen.
I was 'stalking' just one butterfly. Not really even 'stalking'; on a quick walk to the shops I happened to have the camera, and stopped for a little breather (it's uphill!) and spotted fluttering.

I send many thanks to everyone who stopped by or commented yesterday, I was touched to receive so many responses. 

I find myself to be somewhat distracted today, I don't know why.
How do I know I'm distracted?
It's a toothbrushing thing.
If I'm concentrating I can easily count how long I'm spending and arrive at the designated finish at exactly the right time. Smug me. Job done.
If I'm away with the fairies (down some Alice-type rabbit hole of thought) I finish waay too soon, with the toothbrush buzzing redundantly and eyeing up something else to polish.
It's only a two minute job*!
How hard can it be to concentrate for such a short time??

*It's an electric toothbrush I confess.

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