Comfort food

Mr DA and I have been feeling somewhat wiped out for a few days now and today I have a sore throat which makes us think we're fighting off the bug that the boys have had. Son1 still can't hear very well but he does seem a little brighter today.

As I type there is a storm going on outside and Polly has taken to her special 'storm corner'. Basil is blissfully unaware.

Despite my sore throat, I managed 30 lengths of the pool this morning and, ironically, returned for my health appraisal and gym induction this afternoon. It's good to know that my total body fat, blood pressure, resting heard rate and lung function are all good. So there's no excuse not to do the two gym sessions a week the trainer advises, alongside a couple of swims and my weekly bike ride. Anyway, I celebrated 'passing' the test with a fish finger sandwich for dinner.

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