Don't fence me in

It turned out to be a wild old night last night and, already awake due to the sound of Son1's coughing at the other side of the house, once the thunder and lightening came back for round two, I just sat and watched it. It was quite spectacular.

I don't know what the cows made of it but when the dogs and I made it to the common late afternoon we found that the bull had escaped due to the electric fence malfunctioning (that's him on the right). I'm not sure if there's a breach somewhere in the fence or whether he leapt over it during a particularly loud clap of thunder. Either way, he was working his way along his side of the fence, chomping through the grass on the outside that he had all to himself and, it has to be said, he had an air of smugness about him. Another walker said someone had just called the herdsman and I expect when we go back tomorrow the bull will have been reunited with the herd and the fence will be operational again. I hope so, anyway!

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