Flexibility Challenge

I took some fab photos on the proper camera but today was "Flexibility Awards" at dance. They have been working very hard on flexibility in class and consequently at home for such as Katie. To get their award, they had to get their splits all three ways and shoulder their leg with straight legs. Her leg is so much higher than it was and even her bad leg splits are really nice now.

She's had a fantastic day. Today was her first lesson back with B. She worked brilliantly in the lesson and learnt lots of new things, went through and worked hard on lots of bits in what she'd done whilst B was away. I could hear them having such good fun, while working really well at the same time. She came out very proud of herself- even more so when B said she could pick ten stickers!

School today was a class "Marble Jar treat". they could take their own clothes or dress up to get changed into at school and did some really fun things all day. She had fluorescent ribbons in her hair, her mad mia socks and boots, her favourite skirt and tshirt. They did potion making for science, ate jelly beans and this afternoon had a choice of several activities. Katie chose the Mad Hatters Tea Party that two of the y2 TAs had organised.

I picked her up early as normal for a Tuesday to get to ballet and they seem to have had a good last class of the year.

Today, the DVD of Beauty and the Beast arrived. I had said she could watch some of it after ballet as a treat. She sat between my legs from the start. She lasted hardly any time before asking me to turn it down. As soon as Belle's father went to the castle, she began to squirm and we agreed she might prefer to not watch it. I've suggested I watch it without her so I can know when scary bits are coming!

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