
This shot is of Johnny and his BFF Duncan and tonight they are having their first sleepover together!

Today after school it was Lachlan's birthday party at Rainforest Adventure (Animal Magic). As the kids have broken up for the September weekend I decided to take the girls and Sophie Macinnes over too for a play while the boys were at the party. I even had them all fed there to save me any hassle when I came home!! Emma and her Mum came to join us too.

The boys had a fab time at the party and the girls enjoyed themselves too.....that's right wear them out before they come back to mine. We also have Emma and Sophie for a sleepover.....in for a penny in for a pound!

I made the boys a wee den to sleep in tonight although they claim they are not going to sleep! We will see.

Jessica and Katie are now asleep in bed.


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