Quiet day today

Well Johnny had me up at 3.30am this morning with a sore tummy and then he was sick,aaarhhhh!! That was the only once thank goodness but he has been very tired and still complaining of a sore tummy. It didn't manage to stop him having a shout at Super Mario on the Wii though!

I have went "cold turkey" with the puppy pads and Snuffles has only done a pee once today in the house but my god she is in and out that back door like a "peep of gas" and making sure that she that she manages to squeeze something to ensure that she gets a treat. I think this night time will be the difficult one for her though but maybe she is that knackered that she won't move???

Will let you all know tomorrow what I wake up to!

Tried to upload my photo last night and blip was slow and then the battery went on my laptop to I gave it up but please look it's funny.


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