A Bird and the Same Blue Darter

I had the choice of turtles, snails, robins, and many blue dragonflies. So, I chose our Michigan state bird, and the blue darter. (I know that's not its name, but it's my name.)

I looked up and down the pond for other colors of dragons. I used to see reds, greens, and black-and-whites. But not anymore...only blues.

In some good news, our resident computer expert...Uncle Steve...he...he...FIXED MY LAPTOP! WOO-HOO! Just in case he couldn't fix it, I at least wanted to see if he could get all my pictures off of it. He not only fixed it, but he also backed up all of my shots to an external hard drive. Again...WOO-HOO!

How do I know it's the same blue darter? Look closely at the wings. In both shots, the missing wing "panes" are the same.

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