Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Those who can, teach horse riding

E's 2nd lesson since she came off the horse and thankfully her usual teacher was back. What an amazing woman. I explained the tears of last week and she deliberately kept a tiny group and took them on a confidence building trek. I watched E go from a nervy quiet kids back to her usual, smiley & chatty self. I actually love her teacher a little bit, her instincts and intuition with E and the horses is a talent so great. I'd have paid a million pounds for how she helped E today.

Morning spent with L'd friend kainan. She sees him most days at the moment and they're becoming solid friends. Very cute!

J had his first full afternoon training in his new job today. I love seeing him coming home with a spark about him.

E had been moaning about the school cross country challenge today. She'd hatched a plan to pretend she was ill which failed. I'm glad it did though as she came 11th out of year 4 & 5! This is the same kids who gets left behind just walking to school. Totally confused about how she did it but bloody chuffed for her that she did. I didn't tell her about the school rounders comp I missed at school by accidently on purpose missing my train... Or the sports day.

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