Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Bless these two <3

We were suppose to go to Toddler Time today but as kainan's left now, L decided she wanted to stay with him and go to the park. This is them holding on to each other on the basket swing :-). I honestly thought she was going to fall asleep.

Went back to school to meet the girls for their teddy bears picnic ( I forgot L's teddy). Love spending time with them but it always make them sad to go back to lessons after lunch. M cried :(

J training again at work, hoping they start properly soon.

L did her first toilet wee. Yippee! Can't wait till we can go out and not bring our potty bag with us.

Tackled the computer table this afternoon and filed all the paperwork. Didn't get it finished in time before I went to my metabolic effect class. My arms ache as I type!

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