Common Hawker..?

..I expect it's a common one, but nevertheless very exciting to see, never mind capture on camera.
I did sustain wet knees in the process.
(They do dart don't they?).
I couldn't get close owing to the fact that it was somewhat skittish.
Much like myself  :-)
So I settled for a zoom.

(I know it's hard to make out on the image. I did try to encourage it to sit on a less garish backdrop, but 'what can you do Gladys?'*)

Comments will be scant today as I shall be busy being skittish.

*A well used phrase in Mamundi Towers, thanks to a dear old Aunt who, in any unforeseen situation, whether her windows needed cleaning or her dinner had burned always wondered, 'what can you do?'
We say it with affection.

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